Friday, March 6, 2020

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders brace for one-on-one battle in next round o...

I hope Biden isn't planning on issuing a raft of "Healing Pardons", like Ford.  Pardons won't heal anything they will only place lawbreakers beyond the reach of the law.


Dialysis: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths

Republican senator seeks subpoena in probe into Bidens, Ukraine

After the dismissal of the impeachment articles Republicans have no credibility left, so any "investigation" they mount are worthy of being totally ignored.

Watch Atty. Gen. William Barr Choose Donald Trump Rhetoric Over The Law ...

Anyone remember who first said: "I can land the plane!"?  Who dat???

Why Trump Can't Be In A State Of Denial Anymore About Coronavirus | Morn...

Trump Nightmare? Obama Joins Democratic Effort In 2020 | The Beat With A...

Trump Coronavirus Incompetence 'Like Its Own Natural Disaster': Warren |...

Elizabeth Warren Bows Out Gracefully, While Trump Spreads Dangerous Coro...

Trump Keeps Lying About the Coronavirus Outbreak: A Closer Look

Dialysis: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)