Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Lina Khan – FTC Chair on Amazon Antitrust Lawsuit & AI Oversight | The D...

Jon Stewart On The False Promises of AI | The Daily Show

In the field of genetics is where AI will make its greatest and best mark.
Genetics is so complex it cannot be apprehended by the unaided human
mind, worse yet is that it works by creating proteins with correct folding
to perform the required functions. There are vast numbers so genes that
have gone inert in one species but that remain active in others and there
are many regenerative options that may have gone silent but might be
reactivated. So the promises are large the complexities are even larger.
But, AI can be required to write narratives, explanations, and guides to
what it has discovered so that we can figure out how to use them.

Wow! Human Cells Vibrate With Resonant Frequency and It's Technically Au...

Sunday, January 7, 2024

What Was the Ancestor of Everything? (feat. PBS Space Time and It’s Okay...

It probably all starts with quantum
 physics which gives the chemical elements their properties as well as their
ability to spontaneously build molecules of various types. Therefore life
itself is most likely to arise at the connection between quantum mechanics
and chemical actions. Therefore in trying to create life in a lab one must
find that particular set of molecules that are able to connect with the 
quantum world resources almost directly.